Sunday, October 28, 2007

The first day

Welcome to my blog. I started quilting years ago and thought it was so boring. Eventually the real bug did bite and I've been busy ever since.

This is the first quilt I ever finished. I suppose you could call it an original. I folded a piece of paper in fourths and cut out a four-leaf clover. I helped quilt it with a group of church ladies. The quilt is hand-appliqued and hand quilted.

The scrappy pieced quilt on the right is the first quilt I started. My sister-in-law's grandmother sent a pattern to us from Mena, Arkansas. I was in my early 20s and decided that this definitely was NOT my thing. After making the 4-leaf clover quilt, I dug this one out of the nether regions of my closet and finished it. My sister-in-law never started hers.

I quilted this quilt all by myself...a one-needle quilt. I tied a pencil to a string and stuck a pin through a knot on the other end of the string and drew concentric arcs on the backing of the quilt. I later found out that this is the "Baptist Fan" pattern.

This quilt is hand-pieced and hand-quilted.

I really, really like this quilting thing!

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