Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lazy Day

Happy Father's Day to you men who have touched a child's life in a positive way! Sam asked to go out to eat today and since it is Father's Day, I told him it was his choice. We are going to Longview early this evening hoping to miss some of the crowds.

I can not believe I forgot about my Mother-in-Law's Tongue blooming. I went out to check it...the blooms are already falling off. Rats!

Yesterday, a group of representatives from our friends of the library went to Jefferson for the Friends Round-Up sponsored by NETLS (Northeast Texas Library System). We learned a lot and hope that they repeat the program each year. We found out that we were the only friends group without a website. Welllll...I have the pages started on my computer...from last December. One of our members talked with her son; he will be helping me get them online.

We had torrential rains around 7:30 yesterday morning. They hit just before leaving for Jefferson. Thankfully the worst was over before we had to leave.


  1. hello...just found your blog from one of the comments at iwanttimeandspace blog. you got a nice blog, too, maám.


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! Now I am going to have to record my thoughts about "The Whole Truth" by David Baldacci and let you comment, to see if you agree. So excited to hear from a blogger who has so many similar interests as mine!!!!! I saw your appliqued quilts and loved them. Don't know if you had a chance to see my Quilt blog, but I have an antique butterfly quilt made my Grandmother that is so similar to yours. I would like to add you on my google reader so I remember to come back and visit you! Have a Great Day! Love your blog!
