Saturday, September 13, 2008

Son and Friends are Safe

They lost a tree in the front yard and I think he said the fence in the back. But, nothing hit the house. They will go over to 'their' house later today to check for damage. With no electricity and no way to recharge the cell phone battery, I'm trying very hard not to call him too often!


  1. Glad they are safe, hope things return to normal soon!

  2. that's great that he is safe adn nothing hit his home! Hope his power has been restored by now. We got ours back a week ago Fri. The kids and I came back form KY last Monday..and just now getting back into the normal routine of things here. Our home was AOK.. but less than 10 miles the whole town is ruined! very sad.

    ....and a car charger for your son's cell phone should be the first thing Santa puts in his stocking this year! ;) I don't know what I'd do without mine.

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie
