Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Reunion Time

This past Saturday saw the passing of Sam's family reunion. When we moved back, one of his cousin's wife, Doris, asked if we would take it over. I told her we'd half it. ;o) I know a few of his relatives, especially Doris and her family...I lived next door to her parents for 20 or so years. A really nice family!

I type the annual newsletter/invitation, then mail it. I also maintain the snail-mail list and the e-mail list. We recently moved the location from a county owned building with a high rental price and broke-down tables to a local church's fellowship hall available for a donation. The family voted last year to give the church what we were being charged for the other place. It is in a great location and the facilities are extremely well-maintained. Best of all, it has a fantastic kitchen with 2 refrigerators, 2 full-size stoves, 2 additional wall ovens, 2 microwaves, AND an ice machine! We felt as if we were in hog heaven our first year.

Doris and her daughter bring the serving spoons, knives, forks and paper products. And the Bingo game. The family brings their favorite dishes and appetites!

They've held raffles to help maintain a small country cemetery where many generations of family members are buried for many years. One of the most prized prizes is a water color of the "old house place."

We happen to have one hanging on our wall. My son, Jonathan, won it the second or third year we were in the family. One of the cousins asked Jonathan for it. He turned around to hand it to her, but Sam was faster. LOL And here's a scan of it: My address file is updated and Sam's computer has the new e-mail addresses. Only eleven months to prepare for next year!

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