Friday, December 19, 2008

Beautiful Day

We had a gorgeous day today! After freezing temperatures earlier this week and mizzling weather, this was a wonderful reprieve. It will not last long...more freezing weather is in store for us early next week with a possibility of sleet on Monday night. Honestly, I don't mind cold weather. We have so little of it to start with. I just make certain that the pantry is well-stocked, and that I have a book, knitting, and/or quilting close at hand. I'm a happy camper! Oh, mizzling is a term a dear friend of Sam's coined - it is a cross between mist and drizzle. ;o)

We had water on the pool cover. I dipped leaves and started a hose suctioning off the water. FINALLY found a low point for the opposite end of the hose so that it didn't just trickle out. Once I had the hose situated, the water drained off the cover very quickly.

I should've walked in the woods with my pruners today. I haven't been in the decorating mood so we don't have a wreath on our front door yet. Tomorrow...tomorrow is going to be nice too. I'll have to stroll through the field and the woods gathering cedar limbs, pinecones, sweetgum balls, and other natural items for a Christmas wreath. I generally make my wreath in the fall. After Thanksgiving, I then add more items to make it Christmasy.

I guess I have found out that the blahs can last longer than just one year.

I'm working on a second sock. Take a gander at this heel turn. Isn't it just the prettiest thing you've ever seen?! It is the best that I've ever knitted. I am so proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. Great heel...your buzzie canning salsa tonight ho hummmm
