Sunday, December 21, 2008

Harley Days Toy Delivery

What a Blast! Today we went to Longview to participate in delivering toys to the office of the women's shelter.

This morning Sam asked if I was going to ride with him. At that time the temperature was 35 degrees. Brrrrr. I asked what the high was going to be. He didn't know. If I had to give an answer then, No. I turned the television on and found out that the high was going to be around 43. My final answer was, No. Sam put on his leathers and climbed astride his Harley. I put on my jacket, wrapped a scarf around my neck and followed the 4-Runner. My mama didn't raise no least not this little girl! (I have three brothers - that's a totally different story.)

We stopped at the Harley Shop which was still closed. Sam wears H-D FXRG leathers and is a walking testimony. He said that he was warm enough except for his fingers...he has been trying to find the FXRG gloves...looks like he is going to have to order them. After storing his leathers in the back of the 4-Runner, he climbed in with me and we went to Jason's Deli for lunch. When we got back, the lot was slowly filling up.

The bed of a pickup truck was filled level with toys.
35 bikes left the Harley Shop with a police escort. At the office, everyone lined up bucket brigade style and unloaded toys. Um...look at the guys eyeballing the toys!
Over 50 members of the Longview H.O.G. and Longview CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) participated today.
$$$ worth of bikes...remember - 35 of them!

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