Sunday, December 7, 2008


What a great time! Sam and I went traveling. We stopped in Lake Jackson and took my son out to dinner. He picked a Mexican restaurant that Sam and I had never tried. I ate their chicken stuffed avocado...deep fried of course. It was very good. Oops. Forgot to get a photo of it. But Sam did take this one...(Jonathan was fully rested and ready for work. I had been traveling since 9 a.m. This photo was taken around 7 or 8 p.m.) Isn't it different from this one?!
The next day we helped Sam's family celebrate their mom's 95th birthday. Unfortunately she has Alzheimer's. Even though Sam wanted photos of her, I want to respect who she was and not post them here.

On to South Padre Island. A friend of mine, a Canadian who winters in Mercedes, was told that the devastation from the hurricane was widespread and that the sand dunes were gone. We didn't see it. We saw only one place on the northern part of the island where the dunes were breached and then they didn't wash completely across the island...the surge evidently just washed down the road.
We also saw new construction everywhere we looked in the densely populated southern part of the island.
Sam took this one of me. I really like it...except for my camera bag sticking out of the back of my neck. Argghh! Next we traveled on to Mercedes to visit with Claraine and Harold from Atikokan, Ontario. They purchased a place in Mercedes in the early 1990s and have wintered in Texas ever since. I wanted to go to Mexico - since I've never been. We all went in Harold's car across the border at Nuevo Progresso. I purchased a red blouse for myself and some vanilla for a couple of friends. See that camera around my neck in the above photo. I forgot to take it out.

Also, no photos of Fredericksburg. Sigh. What good is a camera if you don't use it. We didn't spend much time in Fredericksburg outside of eating a delicious German meal on night and going through the Nimitz and WWII museums.

But, we did go to Luckenbach!
Next stop was Glen Rose. I'd give anything if we'd taken Jonathan there when he was a little boy and just "eat up" with dinosaurs. The best tracks were underwater and the water was way too cold to wade in. ;o) Another time...maybe...

We finished up in north Texas where we had dinner with Sam's brother and son. His daughter got tied up at school...she teaches at the Culinary The next day we went to Corith to American Eagle Harley. Sam doesn't take notes when I mention something I'd like to have but won't spend that amount of money I specifically pointed out a couple of items. ;o) Nothing was purchased so I'm assuming he will be heading to The Harley Shop in Longview between now and Christmas.

Sam just stuck his head in and reported that we traveled 1892 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes age is good to us. The new you looks less stressed, very happy and you have a figure! :-)
