Sunday, January 18, 2009

Quilting All Day

...or so it seems. My neck and shoulders are tired.

I did take a break and cooked dinner (lunch for those of you not from Texas). Then I set out half a pound of butter to soften. While it was softening, I quilted for an hour. The butter? Oh. ;o) Another batch of those Oatmeal-Raisin cookies. Personally I would've preferred something with chocolate. Alas. No chocolate in the house except for Hershey's dark chocolate syrup for my morning milk.

Supper will be leftovers...or cookies and milk.
Sam has been enjoying his new HDTV watching more football. I bet he's watched more football the last two weekends than he watch all year last year.

I read a Barbara Michaels' book this weekend, Stitches in Time. Yes, it is quilt related! How DID you guess? ;o) I found this:

My whole life is in that quilt. All my joys and all my sorrows are stitched into those little pieces. My hopes and fears, my loves and hates. I tremble sometimes when I remember what that quilt knows about me.

I think of all the quilts that I've made that this one probably fulfills that statement for me. I started it while my first husband, Ron, was terminally ill. This Dresden Plate quilt has fabrics left from garment construction. I made Ron's shirts. He was a big man. I worked on a pattern until I got the fit he liked. As an adolescent, Jonathan wore western shirts. I've sewn for him since he was a little kid. I also made quite a bit of my own clothing. So, I had what I then called "scraps." Now, I am a seriously addicted quilter and have a wonderful "stash."

I finished piecing this top at Christ 40 Acres near Honobia Oklahoma - family camp - August 1996. Ron died from liver failure that November. I didn't quilt for a few years until after I remarried and a nephew and wife (Brian and Beth) were going to have their first baby. It is nice to be doing something I enjoy again.

1 comment:

  1. love love your quilt. I am so glad you found love again and someone to share your life with. My aunt died last month of liver cancer (she went quick) she was only 68.
