Saturday, January 31, 2009


We are expecting a long day tomorrow. Everything is going to be ... tomorrow. Visitation and the funeral. A bit different from the norm.

On the way to Bay City, we had to stop to buy me something to wear. In 2001 or 2002, Sam told me that he would be retiring in 2003...I stopped buying office clothes. I haven't anything new since then except for jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. Besides that. I had a wonderfully delicious - and I do mean DELICIOUS - December.

I started eating while we were on our trip to south Texas the end of November/first of December. And I ate all month long. Especially dessert EVERY time we ate out at a decent restaurant which was waaaayyyy too often.

The result. Nothing fits. The one dress that I thought appropriate for a funeral we attended last week - and with its elastic waist, did fit - I realized I hadn't had it cleaned when I hung it the guest room closet - out of my way - I don't know how long ago. It's navy blue and had salty looking underarm stains. WHY didn't I have it cleaned? I daubed at the stains which didn't do much good. Thank goodness it was cold enough that I wore a sweater with it but still didn't raise my arms.

Afterwards, I laid it aside with great intentions to get it to the cleaners. I promptly forgot about it. Feeling I had nothing to lose, I put it in my washing machine on the 'hand-wash' cycle with hand-wash detergent. I didn't ruin the dress, but...I should've cleaned it a long time ago, because of the rings a shade lighter than the dress under the arms. I brought it - and the sweater - just in case.

At the third stop today... what's with these dresses nowadays?! Sam thought I was in the teenage section. He pointed to the "missy" sign. I said, "That's me." So I went through the categories: juniors - teenagers, misses/missy - adults, womens - where I'm heading fast! Petites, he understood.

I couldn't even find a decent skirt. Even if I had...I couldn't find a decent top. So...I headed to the slacks/jackets. Found three outfits. All three fit. I want either long-sleeves or short-sleeves. I abhor sleeves in between...they look as if you've had a growth spurt and the sleeves are too short, so the black with pink trim set went back on the rack. Of the other two, the long-sleeve brown/black/taupe set was on the 12 times reduced rack. I liked it, but I also liked the short-sleeve navy pinstripe set. So I bought both of them. Have I mentioned that I haven't purchased anything but jeans, shorts, and t-shirts for the last six/seven/or so years?


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