Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring is Just Around the Corner

Spring is starting to bust out all over! Daffodils are blooming in nearly every yard in my corner of Texas. These are in my front yard.

Yes, I know that these are actually weeds. They are still beautiful to me. When I was a little girl, I would gather handsful of these and give to my grandmother, Little Mama. She would find a snuff jar to hold them and set them in the middle of her dining room table. So, that is all that matters to me!

I've spotted camelias blooming all over the place. Finally! I found this beauty this afternoon. The bush is full of buds too. When it blazes all over, I'll take another photo.

In the meantime, I'm still waiting on my bluebonnets. They have multiplied this year. ...doing my happy dance...


  1. It's so wonderful to see something in bloom! We had snow again today. I won't see tulips until the first week in May. Thanks for the spring lift!collynes

  2. Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers; wish they lasted longer.
