Sunday, March 1, 2009

Got a Gripe Today

Have you ever been involved in something for years...and I do mean YEARS...and someone who has just been introduced to it happens to know it all? I hate being treated like an imbecile. And for over less than $20?! Gimme a break! I'm not going to go into detail, because I can not type it short and simple. This morning, I pulled my records. Exactly as I told him. EXACTLY!!

On to better things. After two days of wonderfully warm weather...even to the point that while I was subbing at the public library Thursday and Friday I turned the air conditioner on (I actually work when I'm there as opposed to sitting behind a desk when I sub at the high school)...we got down to 26 degrees last night! I was worried about the pear blossoms.

But look!!

And more camellias too.
Also, on the way to Pittsburg for pizza at noon, Sam and I noticed that the peach trees are blooming. I certainly hope that the early peaches aren't hurt!
The NASCAR race is about to start. TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! The blossoms are sure pretty.
    Look at those camellias! I like them more than roses, but I don't think they are happy in a Zone 4, right?!
