Sunday, April 5, 2009

March Comes in Like a Lion

And leaves just as bad! We have winds at 25 mph and gusting to 35 mph! Yesterday temps got up to 80 or 81 degrees. Today only 62. We will get close to freezing either tonight or tomorrow night. (See previous post about spring in Texas.) So...spending the day inside. Sam's watching the race. I'm listening to it. Tomorrow, he's going to finish mowing the back of the property and I'm cleaning house and ironing...groan.

I completed a pair of socks! Finished grafting the toe this morning.
I love the lacy pattern.
I pulled two balls of green yarn out of the bag and found a leaf pattern to try out this time.

Yesterday we went to Jefferson Texas...mainly to hear Lady Chazz and the Tramps. I've talked about them in a previous post...Chazz's husband was a high school classmate of mine. After retiring from the US Navy, he and his wife's band do the night club circuit. Yesterday they were playing a benefit for an injured girl. We didn't ride over though, we drove in the 4-Runner...didn't know how late we would stay or how cool it would be when we left. While there, we ate at Lamache's. A delicious Italian restaurant. One of the best we've eaten at next to DiBella's in Galveston.

We saw a couple in their leathers. They also had a full grown German Shepherd with them. ??? The question was answered when they got ready to leave...

1 comment:

  1. Great socks my dear Im a sock hound two drawers full so I am in aaahhhh ahhh envy....Enjoy love the dog on the bike...lani
