Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Yarn and Flowers

Remember the French hollihock from the other day? It's gone. I forgot to show it to Sam. Another one also succumbed to the weedeater. I did see one in with the it's safe.

My deitz lily is blooming. Just one pretty little bloom so far. If you look closely, you might see another bud or two. Lest you think that I have a green thumb...this deitz lily is the same age as the first one. They are on either side of a 'walkway' leading up to the front door. The first one is planted under the shade of the redbud...the other gets shade from the house. In that same bed is this... a mountain laurel. It's not only in the wrong bed, but also the wrong soil. In northeast Texas we have acidic soil. The mountain laurel grows fabulously in the Texas Hill 'sweet' soil. Whatever I do to the soil for the mountain laurel is counteracted by what I do for the azaelas which love acidic soil and are in the same bed! Now. I plead complete ignorance. My question is why was a mountain laurel even available to the purchaser in my area of Texas? Never mind. I know the answer to that. Because people like me will buy it! I've been meaning to move it for two years now and set it off by itself so that I can lime the soil...hasn't happened yet though.

On to another lovely subject...yarn. When we were in Lake Jackson, Sam sat out in the 4-Runner enjoying the heavy misty rain while I ran into Hobby Lobby. Y'all go check your HL stores! This one had a yarn sale too. I was better prepared and also knew that Sam wasn't necessarily waiting on me...we were waiting on Jonathan to call so that we could set up a time to meet and eat. So, I shopped. Once again, each skein was $ of the original prices was $7.99! Great bargains!
And, here's my Knit Picks order. Mostly for sock yarn, but the package of yarn is for a sweater. All of these were on sale too, though not at quite the reduced price as the above yarn. Check out KP at .
The friend, Laura, who taught me to knit also order enough sock yarn for three pair of socks for herself. I get to teach the teacher how to knit socks! ;o)
This is just too precious not to share.


  1. Yes, I am very busy on the "farm". My husband is home for a month and it seems like the work-load doubles and the last 2 weeks our social calendar has been hectic.
    But on the return trip from visiting my cousin,(stitchinbythelake.blogspot), I stopped at a nice fiber shop in Ft Smith AR. Couldn't resist a teal alpaca yarn for a pair of socks - for ME! I have been ignoring Hobby Lobby sales. Gotta keep the yarn stash reasonable - but I covet your purchases!

  2. Hi Sherry,
    My Mom has the same trouble with vertigo...her Doc had her try taking Benadryl when the episodes strike. (I think it was something about the anithistamine that helps with the the fluid in the ear canal?) It works for her. Hope it doesn't happen again, but thought I'd mention it just in case it does :)
