Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cookie Day!

Sam's favorite cookie - next to Snicker Doodles - is oatmeal. I found the best recipe on the inside lid of the Old Fashion Quaker Oats canister.

See those two pretty brown eggs? Fresh. From one of my neighbors. Isn't she sweet?! Now I know that there's no nutritional difference in a brown shelled egg and a white shelled egg...but don't the brown shells just remind you of your grandparents' place? Not really for me. My grandparents had Banty hens. I don't know why. Their eggs were much smaller. Don't care. I like the brown shells. Not one logical reason. Back when I had chickens I had Rhode Island Reds and Dominikers.
I was disappointed in this white parchment paper. The cookies stuck a bit on it. But not on the brown parchment paper below. shoulder shrug Go figure. First pans coming out of the oven.

Quality control!
Second batch ready to cook.
Gotta do QC on each batch fresh out of the oven! fuzzy photos. No wrinkles. No makeup! (Don't look at the neck!!) DO look at the hair! I may have that fiber optic thing going on when the sun roof on the car is open, but I've got a lot of pepper left!!
Finally decided that the cookies were good enough for Sam and Elton so put a dozen in a container and carried it along with a jug of Gatorade to them.


  1. With great smells like this coming out of the kitchen, no wonder Sam doesn't want to take a job away from home!

    You just reminded me I have a lot of chocolate that needs to be baked up before the heat hits..if that day ever happens :(

    So tomorrow I'll have to leave my machine idle and do some baking too.

  2. Oh yeah baby I got the same receipe
    but tweaked it up a bit and everyone goes nutty over them....glad to see ya got it...yummy yummy oh yeah .....lani

  3. So I saw holee posted about cookies so I had to come over and check! I think I might have to bake something.....unlike Holee's cold weather we're back into the 80's here.
