Friday, June 5, 2009

Vatican State Visited MY BLOG!

I love Feedjit. Scroll down and you'll find it on the right side of my blog. It tracks where your visitors are from or at least near because when I check in, I'm always from someplace else...I think because we have satellite hookup... It also tells where they clicked HGTV or a link on the local newspaper or via a search or even direct.

Eighteen hours ago, someone in Holy See, Vatican State, did a search for Jambalaya, crawfish pie, me oh my oh...or something like that. And they hit on MY blog! Took them straight to a jambalaya recipe I posted.

Isn't that just neat-o?!


  1. That is just too cool so I had to add it to my blog! You just never know where these good southern dishes will end up!
