Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cooler Today

'Cause the only time I did any work outside was first thing this morning!! I went to Mama's to raid the garden. I am sooo glad there was only one cucumber. I can't make dill pickles...they get soft. I can make a really good bread and butter pickles, but Sam doesn't like I don't. Sam also doesn't eat them raw...I do. But can't eat the volume that's been coming out of one or two pickings!

Mama doesn't know this, but I took several to the library Monday afternoon and gave them to a patron who came in. At least they didn't ruin.

My crepe myrtles are finally blooming!

I get impatient waiting on them even knowing that they are a mid-summer bloomer. I am a bit concerned about the tree on the far right. I need to get some water down to them.

I walked up to the building to help Sam. He had the 'roof' on the potty room and plywood on a couple of sections. After dry-fitting the drain for the shower, he also dry-fitted it.

No commode yet. He's going to insulate the walls, then put wallboard on the inside before installing the commode and securing the shower.

Here's the tub. The hot water heater will go beside it.

Imagine my surprise when I walked up to the building and saw the FIAT he had hid out in the building! He didn't mention buying a FIAT!! Where's MY set of keys???

;o) I went back to the house to wash some clothes and clean some floors. Yuck! But I'm not complaining...the air conditioner was working just fine thank you very much. After a while, I walked back up to the building. Sam needed to go to Mt. Pleasant (20 miles or so away) to buy the wall board for the inside of the potty room. I had a brilliant suggestion to eat at David Beard's Catfish King. Back to the house to clean up and change clothes. When we got home...we didn't go back outside.

My kinda day!


  1. I didn't get outside much today either. It was just way to humid. What part of Texas are you at? Is it dry air or humid although in my mind it doesn't really matter once it gets in the 90's it is just darn hot any way you look at it!!

  2. Beautiful tree...not in my zone.....but it is fun to see your plants as they are so different from mine!
