Saturday, July 11, 2009

Morning after...

We had rain Wednesday evening. Sam and I were in Gladewater at the Longview H.O.G. meeting. After already deciding to not ride the bikes, Sam checked the weather on the internet and saw that rain was heading our way. It didn't rain in Gladewater, but the return trip home...the closer we got, the more water we saw in puddles.
The rain gauge at home had only 3/10". But...that beats nothing. I was on my way to Mama's to raid the garden the next morning at 7:30. I almost always carry my little camera in my purse. So I whipped it out and took these. Shooting into the sun...these were the best I could get.

Crinum lilies blooming...

As soon as the reds multiply enough, I'll replace the few pink lilies. They were gifted to me and were all supposed to be reds.

Then my poor Confederate Rose. It is perky first thing in the morning, but the heat is getting to it.Another gift...Carol gave me the ginger which needs to go in a bed. But I need another bed...and I know just where I'll go to work on it in the fall. Sssh. Sam doesn't know. ;o)


  1. I am a lily fanatic, what kind are those???

  2. I have lilies like this too but mine are white with pink strips on them. The name I have found they are in the crinum family, there are lots of different kinds.

  3. I found your blog through Angel's, and I'm so glad I did. I loved your fried green tomatoes post!

  4. Thank you Robyn! I tried to find you, but you don't have a profile and that's as far as I could get.
