Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Morning to You Too!

The librarian, Earlene, my BFF...see post below, had a meeting to attend this morning and a dentist appointment this afternoon, so I worked for her. On the way in this morning, I noticed our neighbor and friends' horse. I was watching her thinking what a gorgeous body she has when I realized that she was watching me. I KNOW that she was thinking the exact same thing! ;o) Nothing behind me so I stopped, reversed, and rolled down my window (well, I flipped the button and it rolled itself down). She nickered at me! What a glorious GOOD MORNING!!

I've been sewing away on my quilt top. I've got all the blocks sewn together but am still contemplating how I want to do the borders. Thought I had a photo of the sewn together top...but not yet.

Here they are all laid out on my bed. I had enough fabric for the side triangles, but not the corner triangles. Plan B.

I've been playing with Quilter Assitant, a free program. This photo was taken last November after Thanksgiving.
This is what it would look like rendered in fabric.

It needs some tweeking. If I can come up with that many shades of the different colors...


  1. Sweet quilt it looks like an antique one ....did you use a pattern or wing it?????

  2. For the quilter's assistant, did you have any trouble downloading it? I tried the other night, and had problems. Don't know if it's because I don't have Vista. Think there would be a chance of me sending you a pic and you running it through to get it "digitized"?

  3. The quilt is looking wonderful! Can't wait to see it all finished.

    Beautiful horse! Isn't it nice to live in a quiet area where you can actually stop on the road a look at things? FAB!!!


  4. I am so glad I live in an area with horses, cows, etc. Isn't it great? I am in a small area that cannot have animals (besides cats and dogs) but am surrounded by farms.

    You cracked me up with you and the horse thinking the same thing.

    I am still amazed at that quilting assistant thingamajig.

  5. What a pretty quilt. And what a clever quilt you're planning!
