Thursday, August 13, 2009

Two Days....

...without Sam. I had two days 'booked' so Sam decided to go visit his son. An overnighter.

Today I went by and stopped long enough to swap over to Mama's mini-van and off we drove to an out-of-town doctor's to pick up 'film' (x-rays) and report from her mylogram. Then on to the surgeon's office in another town...only to find when we got there that we should've been given about an inch worth of paper and film...not two sheets of film. The office contacted the initial hospital to fax what they could and also to mail the rest of the film. eye-roll...sheesh.

Long story short...nothing short of another surgery will help her back. She's not willing to do that at this time. She's already had two laminectomys (however it's spelled but that's how it sounds) and the last surgery fussed four veterbrae in her lumbar area. The new problem is just above the screws and plates.

Tomorrow I had a library meeting to attend, but now find out that the trip has been cancelled. So...a-shopping I go.

Off to do some more piecing on my quilt. Oh! I have a photo. I've made 15 blocks...two more to go. This is from a twin-full size quilt pattern. And I have not done the math to enlarge I'm just making blocks and pieces as I need them. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. The quilt looks great thus far!

    Sorry to hear about your mom, back pain is awful....and of course they didn't give you what you needed.......why make it easy or less confusing ...Ug!

    12 days until we begin our road trip.

    Tom and I created a road trip blog so we will blog as we go.....where we are, pics, places....I am hoping to meet you.
