Saturday, October 17, 2009


Isn't this just THE sweetest baby you've ever seen? have one just as sweet? Well then, he's MY sweetest baby. His daddy and I married in 1971...he wasn't born until 1983...almost 12 1/2 years later. He weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. The smallest baby born in my family. But "mother's milk" served him well.

Didn't it though? ;o)

His first Christmas...

Look at those knees...

Then he turned into his Daddy's little cowboy. You just can't see his Kenny Rogers boots. I made his western shirts complete with pearly snaps.

We were in Cub Scouts. I was his den leader.

Here he is just a couple/three weeks shy of his 13th birthday.

He almost 26 and is now working in a haunted house 320 miles away from me. IF he sends me one more photo of him in his makeup where he looks as though he's been in a train wreck. I AM CUTTING HIM OUT OF MY WILL!

Love you Jonathan. You better mind me!!!

1 comment:

  1. What great photos! There sure is a change between all of them and the last one where he is 13 years old. Suddenly looks so "grown up" in the last one.

    Can you show one with the Halloween makeup? Sounds interesting!
