Monday, December 21, 2009


I haven't mentioned Christmas much. Without grandchildren...

But as members of the Longview H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group), we purchased toys for entrance to the annual Christmas party. I tried to think 'older' kids and purchased some board games and made three stockings. Next year I want to do better.

These are the toys left at the battered women's office in Longview Sunday. Unfortunately the director said that they have 87 children. Sigh. I wish that they could go out of business!

While in Longview, I went through a car wash...YES in the 4-Runner. Loved watching the red rag thingytwirling...
The pizza peel Sam made me WORKS!! On its sprinkle of cornmeal, the risen bread dough slid right into the oven onto the heated pizza stone. Yippee!!

While the oven was hot, I also baked Sam a mince pie.
But I have to admit it. I did cheat.
I don't like mince pie. Yes, you can still purchase NoneSuch mincemeat either in a jar or the dried stuff in a package. Mama said that her mother made mincemeat pies from scratch, but since she and I think my older brother, Junior, were the only two who ate it at our house, she started buying Mrs. Smith's frozen pies. First husband, Ron, liked them. So does Jonathan. Sam likes them too. Did you notice that this is just 'mince' pie? No meat in it. I still don't care for it.

LOOK what I purchased! A springform pan with a clear tempered glass bottom. Some people serve right off the pan bottom. I slide my cheesecake onto a serving plate. But the metal bottom to my old pan has a lip on it. This glass bottom is smooth. I am anxious to try it.

I don't know where this cookbook came from. I haven't used a single recipe in it. It's just taking up space on my shelf. Jonathan?
Charting Your Courses
Clipper Club Cookbook Fund
La Canada, California
Printed in North Hollywood CA by Pride Printing


  1. Don't know where it came from either. You can send it my way and if I don't use it, I have a co-worker that will.

  2. It always makes me sad when I go to shelters and see so many small children.

    Love your blog by the way!
