Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy 26th Birthday, Baby

Born on a Tuesday, middle of the afternoon, in the middle of a long month of ice covering everything!
Eleven months later...

We don't have our photo taken together often enough!
Love you!


  1. Happy birthday to your Christmas boy! My eldest is the new year baby born January 02. Preparing to celebrate his birthday and then wedding on January 30 - a big month coming up!

    Now your very sweet offer of an ornament from Texas, that would be very very nice, maybe we could do a swap? Unfortunately can't locate your email address?? Can you email me via my blog and I can return mail? see how that goes.

  2. Hi Sherry,

    The email has been sent - hoping you have received.

  3. Sending birthday wishes. My father in law and his identical twin brother are Christmas babies.

    My boys are coming up Jan 5 & 22.

  4. Oh gosh this one is just so sweet.
