Monday, January 25, 2010

Movies and Quilts

!!!!Okay!!!! Where'd the underlines come from???

I've seen some really good movies lately.

Blind Side
... Okay. If you haven't heard anything about this one, you must be living under a rock!

Sherlock Holmes... I LIKE Sherlock Holmes. I watch
the weekly series on LPB (my PBS station).

It's Complicated... Hilarious! Yet thought provoking.

Shogun, Have you made the molten cakes yet? Did you notice that the recipe on the box states that EACH cake serves 2?! Carol and I just lau
ghed. They weren't really serious...such a fun-loving company! ;o)

I received a couple of comments on yesterday's post about the ONE hand-pieced, hand-quilted quilt at the quilt show.

I prefer a completely hand-made quilt. However, I have machine-pieced and hand-quilted. I've also learned to do some machine quilting on my regular sewing machine...for small items like tablerunners and placem
ats...children's quilts...and for people who appreciate my quilts, but may not take as good care of them as I would.

Of my two grandmothers, Daddy's mother was the quilter. She was a shoddy quilter. Everything was done on the sewing machine. Nothing met or matched. Even when she was using the old cotton batting that would ball up if you didn't quilt it close enough, her machine quilting lines were 4-6" apart. At a f
amily reunion back in 2000, I asked my aunt and cousins if they had any of Ma's quilts. No one did. Except for my mother and me. Mama would run rows of hand quilting between the machine quilted rows while she was watching television. The one quilt Ma made for me...this one...
You can see how it twists...and some of the turtle feet don't match up at the intersections...yadda...yadda...yadda...

Mama told me not to get it dirty until I could either hand quilt between the rows, or could maneuver it on the sewing machine. When I was in high school, I did about two or three rows of hand quilting. Right. Row upon row of stitching 1" apart. Nah. I didn't have the patience or the 'want-to' back then. I opened up Mama's Singer one day and started machine stitching row after row after row...then turned it the other way and did the same. So that quilt is preserved.
BTW, my other grandmother, Mama's Little Mama...embroidered some beautiful dresser scarves. That's hers (I think...or Mama's) in the above photo. Also in the photo...the quilt was a wedding gift to Mama and Daddy. The scissors on top of the scarf...Mama's oldest brother Harry bought those for her when she took home ec in high school. I used them in home ec too and have possession now. The little strawberry for needles was Little Mama's.

Little Mama's mama, my great grandmother, crocheted doilies and made quilts. I've quilted a few of the tops she made in her old age. I fingers touched every seam she sewed. Makes me happy just thinking about it.

She made this top for my cousin, Harry Wayne...he's in some of the family photos I've posted.
Mama handed me these blocks one day. I put them together for Jonathan.


  1. Alas, I have not made it yet. Son is sick so not much baking or sewing going on until the weekend. I did get my chocolate candy bar, though, to carry me through to the weekend.

    I like the twisty turny turtles, it is a cute quilt.

    Don't you just love having things that moms and grandmas and such used? I found my great grandmother's little sewing basket (after my grandma passed away) and just love the contents. Apparently she was a great quilter. Inside I also found a small piece of lace that had "baby" written in the lace and my great-grandma wrote a note with it stating the date she started it and that it was for my grandma. Never finished, of course.

    Always enjoy reading your blog.

  2. I enjoyed the quilt pics and family stories. I machine piece quilts but I always secretly think that machine quilting is "cheating",lol.

    I liked "It's Complicated,also,but for a romantic comedy I like "Up in the Air" could be just because Clooney is in it...but then Baldwin's not so bad either...hmmmm.....
