Friday, April 9, 2010

Flowers and Fish

Spring time...I love it! Meantime, in the house... I made this for a sweet young lady. I mean, I made it for her cats. Erin has two cats: Cricket and Bug. Do ya think the fabric is appropriate?

I keep telling Sam...I will never ever make another! At supper, he asked who I was talking to earlier. ??? I had not been on my phone. That I could remember. So, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked. Nope. No incoming or outgoing calls. I started laughing. What? He asked. I was cussing the fish!


  1. That fish bed is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I hope the kitties love it also.

  2. Super job on the fish, Sherry!!! I love the cheerful colors.
    There should be some adorable pictures coming your way as this is enjoyed!!

    I'm Sew Proud of You for
    finishing go get a hand-soak and let those fingers rest! lol

  3. The fish is darling and I LOVE the yard!
