Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cat Fish Pictures

Erin sent photos. Bug is the young black cat. Cricket is older and wiser. Erin said:

I have to tell you... these cats love the fish!
Bug is always hogging it as you can tell in the pictures. Every morning when I get up that fish is clear across the room. Bug likes to get under it, in it, and on top of it. I guess he gets under it and he moves it across the room. I don't know what he does but it is never in the same place when I get up.Thank you again for making that for them :)


  1. Sherry....first off, I'm so proud of you! You did a beautiful job on the Fish!
    Those are adorable pictures! I always tell people, "you're gonna get yourself on t.v. with a great picture!" Your family is going to enjoy the gift for a long time!

  2. That turned out to be darn cute!
