Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shame on YOU!

How dare you! How dare you add to the grief of those parents, family, and friends of our fallen heroes.

HOW DARE YOU! Sit in judgment on our brave men and women.

HOW DARE YOU! Accuse God of murdering our members of the military.

Westboro Baptist Church HOW DARE YOU set yourselves above God.

But the joke is on YOU! The Baptist church in Minden planned to turn your presence against taking donations for Spc. Joshua Tomlinson's family based on how long you were there.

Is that the reason you decided not to show up and insult Spc. Tomlinson and his family?

Humphf. Just goes to show that you do not truly believe what you spout or nothing would've kept you from standing up for YOUR version of God's truth.


  1. You go girl. Those people ought to be ashamed of themselves

  2. I am not getting the story im lost waaaa

  3. Do a search for that Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. You'll find our more than you ever wanted to know.

  4. They were protesting here in PA too. Certainly not preaching the gospel. Perhaps wolf in sheep clothing.
