Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Lani commented on my beginning time on the elliptical machine. I'm telling ya! It's a killer! The 30 seconds is the truth and nothing but the truth. However, it was after 20 minutes on the treadmill, a series of arm weight machine exercises, and 20 minutes on the exercise bike. After 30 seconds, my legs were like jelly. I was trying to 'step up' the exercising. But not that way!

The elliptical is giving me more of a workout than the treadmill, so I've dropped the treadmill for the elliptical. (16 1/2 minutes yesterday!) Then I do the arm exercises...then the exercise bike (I take a book to read while on the bike).

I took a real age test yesterday.

I scored 13 years younger than I actually am. To top it off...my life expectancy is 91.1 years! I'm not sure I want to live to be that old. Perhaps I need start smoking. Naahh. I'll just go eat more chocolate! ;o)

1 comment:

  1. I took that test. You are going to have to lay off the chocolate.
    My virtual age is 39.9- act.59 in Nov. I will live to be 96.1

    We got time to make a lot more quilts dont we.

    Have fun on your retreat. I am truely jealous.
