Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I thought I was going to have to do a head thump...several times. Mama mentioned hiring someone to clean her floors. I said, "No! I'll be over and do them for you." Sigh.

You will notice that I have not mentioned that four letter word that is longer than four letters...exercise...in a week or so. Due to the quilt retreat in which my 4-Runner had a problem with a tree, then dealing with getting the 4-Runner to the body shop, and lining up a rental...I had not been to the gym but once in ten days. I made it yesterday only to find that I've got to build back up to the 20 minutes on the elliptical. Yesterday I made only 10 minutes on the elliptical, did the arm weight machines, and the full 20 minutes on the exercise bike.

I've decided that I will go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Tuesdays are dedicated to Mama. Thursdays to the library and running errands.

Today was the first Tuesday. I changed her sheets...we've got that down pat. Then, she proceeded to tell me how to mop the floor!! **head thump**

Here's the mop.
I can get it Mama, go sit down.
Here's the bucket.
I can get it Mama, go sit down.
Let me move that.
**head thump**
No. You go sit down.
Just put that over there.
Okay. Go sit down.
Don't fill the bucket but half full.
**head thump**
Yes, ma'am.
Did the water get hot?
Oh. I don't pour the cleaner in the bucket.
I do.
She went to the living room to sit down.
And continued to talk...even though I couldn't hear her.
**head thump**

And that's how it went.

Oh, and how I love her!


  1. Oh, does that bring back memories!! Mama was the same way!!

  2. Oh, sigh!

    Stopping by to say Hello and leave you with Quilt-y Hugs!

  3. Sweetest post I've read in ages. You're a doll.
