Monday, August 9, 2010

Too Much Exercising!

I forgot to change the photo in my banner last month! June stayed up for two months and into August. August is there now. Here's the one you missed.I've taken off work tomorrow. Mama has an appointment in Tyler with her back surgeon. It breaks my heart that she may be facing yet another surgery.

I'll get up in the morning most likely at my regular time and go to the gym then come home and shower. We'll leave town about 9:30 or 10 a.m. We'll hit Tyler in time to have an early lunch. X-rays are scheduled for 12:30...the doctor's appointment follows in 30 minutes to an hour...I don't think she told me. But it doesn't matter...we'll sit and wait until they call her name.

The really good thing about my job...the directors are very lenient with time off for just about any reason. Next week I'm taking Thursday off. (Office is closed Fridays.) I'll be driving Tomball to a quilting retreat. Yeah! Of course it helps that one of the directors is a quilter too! She wants to see photos.


  1. Hi Sherry sorry to hear about your mother's back issues and possible surgery. I will keep you both in my prays.

  2. Sorry about your mother's medical issues, but what a blessing to have a flexible job that allows you to be with her. And what really impresses're taking time to go to the gym before you leave! That's dedication. :) See you in Tomball!
