Monday, September 6, 2010

Pain Management

Mama had a doctor's appointment Friday. Remember, she can't take the 'good' pain killers. And she is very frugal with what the doctor does prescribe - as far as pain meds go. She takes everything else the way she's supposed to.

Pain meds though. If the directions are four a day, she'll take two and maybe three if it's a bad day. She's been trying another pain med that seems to be working better. The doctor told her to take them as prescribed and he upped the dosage. Instead of four pills a day...she's to take one every four hours. To keep the level of pain more manageable. He also mentioned that that particular med has a time release's a once a day pill. She's going to check with the pharmacist about the cost.

She's hit the 'donut hole' and has to pay 100% for her meds until the end of the year.

He also asked her if she'd wear a brace. She kinda hummed-hawed a bit and I looked at her. Anything to not have a surgery that is only iffy about relieving the pain. Helloooo....

She wore it to the car. When I stopped at Hobby Lobby, she stayed in the car...and took it off. Said it was uncomfortable just sitting.

Sunday when we picked her up for church, she said that she had it on while she washed dishes and was able to complete them at one time and not have to go back and finish them. (Dishes are one of the things she insists on doing herself...while she still can.)

I know that several of you have her in your thoughts, best wishes, and prayers. Thank you!

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