Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Drive

White River at Calico Rock.Me thinks these are...
Wild turkeys!
Steam rising from the White River and birds a-flying...

What does the double yellow line mean? For this person...not much. Whoever was driving would take more than their fair share out of the oncoming lane. This time...not too bad...but I was amazed and how much they drifted over the line in the curves. Shame-shame!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful drive. I've never seen wild turkeys. That would be cool. Watch out for those crazy road hogs. You never know which side they are going to want to be on. :)

  2. Pretty area you live in. I didn't realize Daingerfield is as big as it is! As I passed through, I kept my eyes open to see if we drove by the Chamber, but didn't see it. Hope to have more time to call next time!
