Saturday, October 30, 2010

Flowers and Chili Cook-off

No...They really have nothing in's just that they were on my camera. My Confederate Rose finally bloomed. I am really rather shocked. It was such a hot dry summer and I did not keep it watered. It really needs moved, but the rootball is huuuggggee! Many more to follow! Look at the buds on my Christmas cactus! I always pat myself on the back over this one. It generally blooms between Thanksgiving and may be early this year.

Earlene and Nancy invited me to help them in a chili cook-off. Earlene picked me up at dark-thirty this morning. Before we got to Rocky Branch, you could see the fog hovering over the that ONE spot.
Earlene knows that I put photos like this on my blog, so she pulled over before I even started pulling my camera out of my purse. I doubt that the fog covered even 1/4 mile. Spoooooky!

Betcha can't guess what our chili cook-off theme was?! LOL
Earlene was having a see-no-evil problem. Twice. Aaaah! Here's a good one. was contagious. Then my camera battery died. It hasn't been that long since I charged it...and very few photos taken. The camera is about two years old and I have taken lots of photos...perhaps the battery is dying. I'll have to price them. If it's too high...I'll just buy another camera. I am absolutely amazed at the price of GOOD digital cameras! The first one that Sam bought was right at $700. It takes AA batteries. But my little $100 camera takes photos just about as good.

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