Saturday, October 9, 2010

Too Tired!

Too tired to blog. Too tired to upload photos. If I only knew where my camera is... It's either in the pickup...or maybe on the dining table. It might possibly be in my purse where it belongs, but probably not. It stands to reason that it's in a t-shirt box in the Chamber of Commerce office. The closer to 4 o'clock that it got...the lower the sun was in the sky...the more sun was coming down on me. I kept moving my chair to the shade. Before long...the table was waaaaaayyyyyyyyy over there! LOL

A friend, HEY ANDY! sat with me last. He helped load boxes and chairs in one of the Director's Yukon and my pickup. After we unloaded at the Chamber office, I asked the Director, "What do I do now?" She said, "You're through. Go home." So I did.

Then I thought that I should've made another round visiting with the few vendors that were left. I probably should've stayed until they all left or at least had touched bases with them before I left.


I am NOT going back to town though! I am dedicated to my job, but not so dedicated that after a boss tells me to go home that I show back up again. LOL Unless perhaps we go back to hear the band playing for the street dance.

Andy followed me home. He and Sam are watching the Texas A&M and Arkansas football game. I took a quick nap until somebody hollered, "CATCH THE BALL!" I grabbed for it...but missed. ;o)

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