Friday, March 18, 2011

Irish Soda Bread

How EASY was this? Coming up to St. Patrick's Day, the internet was buzzing with talk about Irish Soda Bread. I did a search and came up with what was touted as a "traditional" Irish Soda Bread recipe.

Traditional Irish Soda Bread
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 3/4 cup buttermilk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Sift the dry ingredients together. Stir in the buttermilk. Blend well. The dough should be sticky. If not, add more buttermilk. Turn out on a lightly floured surface. Knead just a little bit...not much or you will break the gas bubbles forming as a result of the combination of buttermilk and baking soda. Pat into a circle. With a serrated knife, cut a deep cross on top of the loaf. Place in a lightly greased and floured pan. Cover with another pan or lid. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove cover and bake another 15 minutes.
I baked my bread in a covered cast iron chicken fryer. And this is what it looked like. And taste? Slathered with was delicious!! Especially when served with corned beef brisket, carrots, potatoes, onions, and cabbage.

I don't think I've ever baked a simpler bread.

1 comment:

  1. It does sound good Sherry. I've never made soda bread. Maybe I should being it's so easy.
