Saturday, April 23, 2011

Family Today!

We had a great time! Friday afternoon Isabel arrived with her chauffeur. Grandpa on a walk with Brook and Isabel...Isabel fell asleep about 2 seconds later.

For supper we had shrimp pasta salad and Irish soda Bread.



After Isabel's night bedtime Friday, Colt showed up with his entourage.
After some visiting, Colt got fussy. Granny (that would be ME) took him out to the screen porch and we sat in one of the rocking patio chairs. He fell asleep in about 2 seconds.

Saturday morning...HELLO COUSIN.
Unfortunately, Colt had a bit of a stuffy nose and they weren't permitted to get too close to each other.

We visited and played and I held babies ...although from the photos you would never guess it!

I baked a ham and cooked pinto beans, roasted sweet potatoes drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with a bit of grated nutmeg and a very light sprinkle of cayenne pepper, roasted asparagus drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with Kosher salt, mixed green salad with homemade honey mustard salad dressing... ..., homemade peppercorn salad dressing, and a bottled jar of raspberry vinaigrette. And a loaf of bread machine white bread...with butter!

For dessert...a strawberry pie.


I'm going to have to do something different with the strawberry pie. The juice is too juicy. I don't want it set up like pudding...but I don't want it like water. I've always used flour for thickening in my fruit pies. Next time I bake a strawberry pie I am going to use cornstarch. If that doesn't work, I'll try tapioca.

We also had a chocolate pudding cake.

I did not get a photo of it. And now...there's only one slice left. Hmmm...See you later!


  1. What a lovely weekend you and Sam are having!!! Lucky Granny.

    I was thinking the same thing for the strawberry pie. It tastes fabulous but too juicy. However, I'm confident we'll find a solution. We'll just have to keep making them until we get it right, right??????? And we MUST maintain quality control at all times.

  2. Hmmm, want to adopt me? Sounds like your kids/grandkids are treated like royalty!

    Looks like you've had a lot of fun this weekend. Grandkids are pretty special, aren't they?

  3. I'd go straight to the tapioca starch. I never really cared for the "off" taste from corn starch. Maybe I've just been in health care too long lol
