Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cutting Table

Yippee!!!! HE's WORKING ON IT!!

Sam cut this out about a year ago...give or take. He built the top and the drop leaves...then nothing. I didn't think he'd ever get it built. He's in the background working on the top drawer that can be accessed from either side.
The three other horizontal side will be drawers while the other side will have shelves and a closing door.

The tall skinny vertical slot is for large cutting mats. I have goes on top and when the leaves are open, the other two will top those. It's red oak and is going to be GORGEOUS as well as functional.
Me? I haven't been doing much of anything except work and a bit of house cleaning. Last weekend we went to Bay City Texas to a family reunion - Sam's side. My son made it - he lives about an hour away. Sam's two didn't which means the two grandbabies didn't make it either. Sigh. I truly enjoyed seeing Jonathan, but was very glad to get home Sunday.

BTW, be praying for him. The nursing home where he works changed hands. Many quit...he has stuck it out. Today was payday. They did not get paid an
d may not get paid tomorrow. He's ready to walk out. I told him to hang in there a few more days...but in the meantime be plastering the area with applications and try to find something else.

I found something at work that we did not know that we had. Da Judge said that someone had mentioned the Panic Button...but I had only heard that we should have one...not that we did. That there was one in the big courtroom and one in the county clerk's office. I'm kind of sitting in the "fish bowl" with two doors and a big area the width of two or three doors. If someone got stupid and stood at the intersection of the X hallway...guess who he/she would be staring at?

We are in the process of getting our offices painted. My desk, which was sitting at an angle in the office, has been pulled out to the center of my office, then pushed back square with the wall. The light picked up something at the edge of the "typewriter" return.'s stuck on...lemme feel it. Hmmm....what's this? A depression or a button of some sort. Hmmm.... Oh well.

A few seconds later phone rings and the sheriff's name shows up on the display. "Yes sir?"
He asks, "Is everything okay there?"
"The display over here is showing an emergency in the judge's office."
"OH! That's what that little box is?! Sorry."
We had no sooner got off the phone than Brrriiiiiingggggggggg...Yep...dispatcher is on the line. "Is everything okay there?"

I found the PANIC BUTTON!!!


  1. The table is really beautiful! I love the slot for the cutting mats.

    Will keep the prayers going for your son and his job. Good idea to put in lots of applications. Dave put in over 1400 this past year, about 20 this past week!

  2. Your cutting table is going to be gorgeous! Did your husband make up the plans himself or did you buy them somewhere? Accidentally pressing the panic button sounds like something I would do. How funny!
