Monday, June 20, 2011

More of the Visit

I really miss Jonathan! We had such a good time. Although it was too short for me what with my working and all. Wish I could talk him into moving...

Sam and I knew we had a mockingbird nest somewhere. He spied it in one of the live oaks we planted last year and mentioned "a" bird. Jonathan and I found two in the live oak. He took these birdie photos with his cellphone.
This baby was hiding from us.Jonathan then spotted this pretty in my camellia...and here's #4. Oh...I thought he took four photos but I can't find the photo of the fourth baby birdie.

But I did find this.
LOL My 27 year old son travels with a SpongeBob Square Pants toothbrush. LOL He said he bought it for the small size...since he is traveling on a motorcycle with limited luggage space. Anyway...that's his story. Mine is...MY 27-YEAR OLD SON BRUSHES HIS TEETH WITH A SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS TOOTHBRUSH! hahahahahahaha

The evening sky today.
We've all got our fingers and toes crossed for rain. Our county as well as most around us are in a burn ban. We are desperate for rain...and all along the Mississippi and Missouri, they've had flooding...

1 comment:

  1. hey there. I love that 3rd bird photo with his chin in the air, like he is saying "I dare you!" or something. Have a friend in Louisiana also going through a drought and dangerously dry weather. I have to catch up on posts again...I get back on track then fall behind again when I am feeling down. I ate a huge piece of carrot cake and some potato salad today. Delish. Recently tried a sweet potato-quinoa burger and it was SO good. I am feeling hungry so I better go!
