Friday, October 21, 2011

My Babies and...

Sam cut a small load of firewood for Brook and Cody. We delivered it last Saturday and got to play with Isabel. Cody took a work break to help Sam unload but then he had to go back to work. Brook, Isabel, Sam and I ate at "Cartwright's". They use a western theme and even had a hamburger dedicated to "Hoss" of "Bonanza" fame. I asked the waiter about the name of the restaurant...owner's last name. I told him about my tie-in with Hoss - Dan Blocker...My great grandmother, Eve Blocker Durham, was his aunt. :-D

My grandbabies are growing so big! The changes in just a few short months are incredible. Isabel was pert-near perfect at the restaurant. She found that the table height was perfect for hands-free dining. Her mom posted this on Facebook this week.

I missed seeing Colt. Sam went to visit them Monday and came home Tuesday. He's going to be building a bed and dining room table and bench for John and Erin. He went to get measurements for the bed. They finished out the 3rd floor of their A-frame for a master suite. With the sloping ceiling/walls they have to have a short headboard.

Sam got some good photos of Colt.

John sent me this one via e-mail. Not sure Colt likes walking in his Halloween lobster suit. LOL

Da Judge's husband got some bad news. He has cancer. They've been dealing with doctors and varying diagnoses for seven weeks now. He has had one radiation treatment and surgery is being scheduled.

I made a flannel quilt for him. Da Judge just looked at me so I had to amend it. I told her that it's a "comfort" quilt and could be used by whoever needs comforting. She smiled.

They covet your prayers.


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  2. The kids are just too adorable Sherry! Isn't it funny how kids will the easiest ways to feed themselves. Mine did the same thing.

    Prayers are being said for the Judge's husband. I'm sure he will appreciate the quilt and that you took the time to think of him.
