Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Early

Jonathan, Sarah and her daughters came for a visit. We made fudge. I had no shortage of volunteers to lick the bowl and the spatula.

The two older girls helped make pies and cornbread. Oh. And dumplings for Friday night's turkey and dumplings!

Jonathan (aka Ducky) and Kaylee in a quiet time...she looks like, "Are you reading in English, Ducky?"
We had a big dinner yesterday with Carol, Elton, and Mama. Some running around for peanuts at Traylor Farms and out to Carol and Elton's to ride the Ranger and the go-cart. Everyone but Sam went to the theatre to see "Arthur Christmas." CUTE movie...and Sam got a good dose of much needed quiet...and 100% control of the television. ;-)

Today after church we went for pizza...then to the state park.
Aren't they just so cute? Each so different in looks and personality.

Look out! Here comes trouble.

Closely followed by the rest of the gang.

My son looks so much like his dad.

They're gone now. On their way home. It is too quiet here.


  1. Sherry, glad Jonathan got to come with all his girls!! Looks like all of you had a wonderful time. Merry Christmas!!

  2. Looks like you had a terrific time. Isn't it wonderful to see your kids happy? Merry Christmas, and may the new year be good to you.

  3. Hmmm, that fudge looks suspiciously like my fudge, I'd like to compare recipes some day. Hope you have buckets of blessings in the new year!
