Saturday, January 28, 2012

Good Morning!

Dense fog on the way to work Friday morning. But this morning we had a beautiful sunrise. It covered the whole sky! North. South. East. West.

I finally finished a quilt for my grand nephew Ty. He was born preemie in July. I told his mother it was too hot to think about a quilt. After Christmas I decided I better get it started and DONE before this winter was completely over!
John Deere fabric for a country boy! With his big sister, Bri.
Sam cooked a slow cooker full of beef stew this week. I combined the dry ingredients for cornbread and left a how-to finish it. I brought a Tahoe full of co-workers to the house for lunch. Everything was DELICIOUS! They liked the stew...but loved the homemade cornbread!


  1. There's nothing like a country sunrise or sunset, it's been several years since I lived in the country. Sigh. Quilts look great, and the cornbread and stew sound wonderful! Enjoy these cool days. :)

  2. Seeing a gorgeous sunrise like that is a sure fire way to have a great day.
