Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Trip

Sam and I drove to Lake Jackson to visit Jonathan. When he invited us, I said, "Sure! As long as we can stay through Monday night." We had a wonderful visit. Monday morning Sam and I went to visit our old office. old office, because he worked in the field. Many people are gone and there were several new boss...former boss...was out of the office.

Then, Tuesday morning we headed to San Marcos. Yet another business related seminar. After this one, the THIRD in less than 30 days, I have nothing scheduled (business related) until fall. I meant to get a photo of the courthouse in San Marcos since I got photos of the Texas capitol building and the courthouse at Decatur...but I forgot.

However, I did get a photo of the watermelon paint job on Luling's water tower!

We were gone a full week. I was so glad to get home!

Carol called yesterday about going to Lee Gardens south of Gladewater to see the daffodils. We decided to do so after church today. You can read about the garden here:

I thought this was funny! I think it's someone with the gardens parked there to tell other people NOT to park there. LOL


  1. Aren't the flowers gorgeous! I can't wait to see all of ours shooting out of the ground. Too funny with the no parking sign. :)

  2. Business trips can be nice, but when you've had several close together I'm sure you're ready to get back to your normal routine. Glad you can balance it out with your trip to Jonathan's and also the daffodils. Ah, spring is around the corner!
