Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trip to Austin

I drove to Austin on Monday to attend a webpage management class for the county. Here's our site: I am proud to say that with the exception of one or two photos of elected officials and the snow photo (which Sam took - in that space the photos changes with the season - at least that's the plan), the other photos are mine.

I've already been working on the site with instructions that were passed to me from the first person, who just did not have the time to add this duty to her hectic schedule. As long as you follow step by step and then make a mistake, you can go back and step by step again and pick up the step you skipped.

I haven't seen the capitol building since I started my Freshman or Sophomore year in high school. I took these photos as I left the Texas Association of Counties building. This is the west side facing me.
A peak of the front through the trees as I drove best photo. LOVE how the tree frames the shot! Stopped at a signal light...if I'd been one car ahead, I would've had a good unobstructed shot. Que sera, sera. If I'd felt better...I would've spent another night and dedicated today to site seeing. However...I am not feeling better. I know that the crud had been sneaking up on me and it hit full blown Monday - the day I drove to Austin. I had to stop 5 times to walk around, get some caffeine, stay awake. That's not normal. AND...all of those stops involved a restroom break so that I could cough without fear of - well - anyway...

The class was informative. I was the only person already working on our webpage. And, pat myself on the back, was able to tell the instructor one thing. She said she'd asked the software people a question that they couldn't answer. It's "just the way it is." I told her why. :-D That is what happens when you don't know what is going on ... you try to find out why.

When we were in the demo site, the instructor was busy with someone. Another had a question and asked if I could help. I looked over my shoulder to make certain I wouldn't be overstepping any boundaries...teacher was got up and showed the person needing help the three places to look and voila! It was in the third place. Which is always the last place I look. LOL

Then...we had some computer connectivity problem about 2:30. Teacher left the conference room to check into the problem. While she was gone, I decided it was time to head home. 300 miles to drive and trying to get home so I could crash in my own bed. I was prepared. Left at 3 p.m. Made only 3 stops: fuel and potty, supper and potty, potty. Got home at 9:45. Great time! It took longer to get to Austin with those 5 stops.

I'm self-medicated. Realized I'm running a fever today - which I had off just in case I didn't make it home last night. Will call my sub and ask if she can work for me tomorrow too. Hopefully I can be back in the office Friday. I know I'll have plenty of work waiting on me. Arrggghhh!

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