Monday, April 2, 2012


Junior, Billy, Joey, and I - along with our families - will go to the funeral home today then to the cemetery for the final services before Mama is buried.


  1. So sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom. I just loved hearing about all of her stories. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you Sherri, and your family. She was a sweet lady. Glad I got to meet her several times.etste

  3. Sherry, you are much of your Mom. You will carry her to the grandkids with your memories and I expect we will see her along with your dad on the blog. I really enjoy reading your memories. Prayers for your family today..Holee

  4. Such a hard thing to go through. Know that you have many friends who care and are praying for your family. Hugs...
