Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wasting Away in Margaritaville :D

Rough seas the first couple of days...
Jimmy Buffets Cozumel Margaritaville - weeellllll.  We did have a coupon for a free margarita!

Just like Edith Ann - and that's the truth!  pffffttttt
 Just waiting on one more camera to download her photos - she has a photo with all 5 of us in the chair. :D

I tried my hand and towel folding!  With the help of a book Nancy bought.  We left this for the room stewards to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! I'm sure the room stewards loved their little treat. And I so remember Edith Ann from when I was younger. That long ago huh. :)
