Saturday, July 7, 2012

Harmony with Ducky's catch out of my pond. (Ducky is what the girlies call my son, Jonathan.)

In addition to frying fresh pond-caught fish, I made popsicles!  The first batch was banana-blueberry made with Cabot Greek yogurt, a dash of vanilla, and finished off with some milk.
Fill to within 1/2" of the top.

I have learned - the hard way - to not snap the covers down.  The pops are hard enough to unmold without having to snap the covers off.  I just set them in place... I next made a batch of apple-craisin pops.  THESE are delicious too!

The girlies are on a queen-size air mattress on the floor of my sewing room.  I heard a thump and investigated.  LOL  Serenity (on the left) is half on/half off the mattress.  Kaylee is laying on top of Harmony's head.  This was a sight to see!
We are on antennae.  We have found that it doesn't matter if you have 20 channels or 1,020 - you watch only a few of the channels available.  Before digital TV signals, at least when you had a weak signal, you still had a picture of some sort.  Since digital TV, this is what you get when the signal is weak - then it goes off completely.  Yep...when you've got a signal, you have a pretty picture.  No signal...NADA!!!  My husband thinks I'm silly because I'd rather have a picture to watch - even if it's not sharp and clear.  HELLOOOOOOO!!!


  1. Wow, must have been missing your posts, lots to catch up on. lol
    The grandkids are growing like crazy, love your table, teaching Colt to play pool early I see, DH and I sleep in the same bed, BUT we have our own blankets. hhhmmm, I think I am caught up now. rofl

  2. Hi. Found your blog through my sister's blogroll (Elsie's Life and Stuff). Enjoyed reading your posts and the pictures are great. I do believe you are enjoying life and that's fantastic. Thanks for sharing. - Karen
