Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Let Them Eat CAKE!

I made another double batch (4 loaves) of pear cakes yesterday evening.  This batch had pecans in it.  Oh my!  Even better.  Of course, I cut the first slice while it was still warm and shared with Sam while we watched more of the Olympics.  

This morning, I cut a few more slices to share at work.  I've also been taking bags of pears with me and dear friend, Gary (who is also a county commissioner), grabbed today's bag.

Another trip to the grocery store after work for more eggs because I had only enough for one recipe last night but didn't realize it until I was already halfway through the process. *eyeroll*  The cakes still worked!  Just not quite as dense as the other four yolks would've made them.

Tomorrow evening - another baking date! ;-)  Maybe a double batch of chocolate pear cakes...

I thought the dress would've been delivered to Isabel today, but I've heard nothing from Brook or Cody. I'll check the tracking number tomorrow because it was left at work...

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