Saturday, September 29, 2012

C*H*O*C*O*L*A*T*E and Other Less Important Stuff

Sam won a bag of goodies at the last HOG (Harley Owner's Group) meeting. The bag contained HD straws, napkins, beer bottle opener, coasters, and a HD ice cube tray. Of course the tray was not in the shape of cubes, but the HD emblem.

I have an ice maker so wasn't too enthused about the ice tray.  That is until I thought CHOCOLATE!  I melted a bag of dark chocolate chips, spooned it into the compartments, jiggled the spoon around hoping to fill all the crooks and crannies. I tried to unmold one at room temperature...that didn't work so I popped the tray in the refrigerator. That worked! They popped out perfectly! 
I told Sam that I'd make some for the next meeting he attended for a door prize.

WHAT? Someone had to take care of the QC department! 

Yes. It is a sacrifice but somebody's gotta do it. :D

I made English muffins this afternoon.

And finished my COF table topper by adding some decorative machine stitching to some select rows.

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