Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Drive to Work and Home Again - Jiggedy Jig!

Wednesday on the way home:

Roses growing on a fence row.

 I don't know what this is but pretty!

At home Sam, Kirk, and I checked out the neighbor's land clearing progress. This was not timber - just overgrown with brush and spindly trees. 

Kirk enjoying his early evening romp. 

He found this bone early in his residence here. LOL It is longer than he is. Jonathan had to carry it to the dog run for him. 

Friday morning I tried it. YEP! I can now point my toes enough to pull my boots on. Yippee!! Only 10 weeks or so since I sprained my ankle. :D Still not totally back to normal but getting closer each day. (I'm staying off dress shoes with heels taller than one inch. bummer)

Pea soup fog Friday morning. (But remember...I had my red boots on!)

1 comment:

  1. Kirk the pup is hilarious!

    Glad to hear that your ankle is better so that those awesome boots could be put on. :)
