Sunday, October 6, 2013

October to-date

The photos did not load in I will be hopping around.

Cody, Brook, Isabel, and Jonathan all came to the family reunion. I had to be careful at the reunion and watch what I ate because Brook had notified me that if it was okay she wanted to cook supper for us. Well YES! She pounded chicken breasts and rolled up around basil and mozzarella and seasonings...popped in the freezer to firm for a few minutes...then the flour, egg, bread crumb process and baked it then topped with a red wine mushroom sauce. I had the salad fixings: mixed greens, kalamata olives, pepperoncini, feta cheese, and a homemade vinaigrette. My homemade bread was sliced, buttered, seasoned and toasted. For dessert we had cannoli pie (cannoli filling in a baked pastry shell. MERCY!

Isabel and Jonathan played. He said that her idea of taking turns stacking dominoes and knocking them down was for him to stack them and she would knock them down. Then he would tell her that it was her turn. She would lay down one domino then tell him that it was his turn! ;-)

I made a couple of things for Isabel...a jumper...

...and a corduroy jacket. When Isabel saw the jumper, her eyes rounded. When she saw the jacket, she immediately hugged her arms and said, "I cold." She needed it Saturday evening and definitely Sunday morning! Isn't she such a cute model?! Yes. I think so too.

Sunday morning breakfast with a bacon grease face.

Sunset one evening...

We never had more than four hummingbirds. Then we got down to only two. The other night we had FIVE! They must have made a pit stop on their migratory trip. There's one on the other side of the bottle...the fifth was too busy flying in and out.

At the reunion, Isabel was the youngest...Bill Ray the oldest at 97...he will be 98 next month.

She did not know him so was not too happy to be that close. I was holding her, but it was still too close to him to suit her.

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