I am a member of the Friends of the Daingerfield Public Library (we are only 2 years old). After attending an area Friends Roundup, we discovered that we were the only group in attendance that did not have a webpage. I had started formatting a page before the first of the year, then life got busy. One of the other lady's sons said that he would help and asked if we wanted a webpage, blog, or My Space. I initially thought webpage. Last night while surfing, I ran across a library's blog. I did a search and found it very easily. I know how to do a blog...don't have to contact the library's Internet provider for server space and access...don't have to have someone upload what I create or help with constant changes. I can do this!
This is just the beginning, but please check us out!
I have an award for you if you care to check it out, visit my blog.